Cheerful service is one of the guiding principles of the Order of the Arrow. It is through cheerful service to others that we find the opportunity to express the ideals of the order and to better ourselves as scouts and as individuals.

Let us also not forget what the cheerful service we do does for those around us. The work we do in the ordeals for instance benefits those resident camps and also all the scouts that pass through them. The work we do with the adopt a highway program benefits the environment around us and also our communities in the area. Massive projects have been carried out by members of our lodge both past and present and it’s important that we don’t forget the role we play in the council.

At the same time. We shouldn’t see all this work done in the past as a sign that we’re done. We should see this work as a challenge and a goal. A goal that we should aim to not only meet but surpass. The most important service in our lodge is the service we have yet to perform.