The role that the OA plays in our summer camps is an extremely important one. The service that our Lodge provides helps not only the council but also the scouts who participate in program. Through the work we do for them we create sites and new areas. From projects as small as simple maintenance to projects as big as the Outdoor Learning Area at Goose Pond, the Lodge and it’s members are able to help our council put on high quality program for all the scouts who participate in events there.

Let’s also remember the recognition that we gain back from the work we do for these camps. The rededication and call out ceremonies that we participate in help us to not just remind ourselves of the role that we play but also the reason that we joined the Order of the Arrow in the first place. Service is one of the guiding principles of our order and it helps us to guide others along the right path through example . The work we do causes a positive impact on those that we interact with and do service for.

All around us opportunities to provide service present themselves, and the opportunities at Goose Pond and other Scout Camps are fantastic chances to show the scouts who elected us into this Order just what the Lodge can do for them.